
Eghe la e wel study ane life osi Jesu christ, you’d find orni he dominated a ni agbon; he lived above ane decadence osi ane agbon, ane corruption bhi failure osi or sor le a society. He lived far above, bhi beyond ane government bhi systems osi ane day eghe la he walked ane Oto.

Ane or meehn news ole orni he’s given e wel orni same life: orkpa that’s not subject Nare, but lords over, ane rudiments osi a ni agbon. He’s made e wel self-sufficient, Nare function above bhi beyond ane systems osi a ni agbon. He said you’re ni ane agbon, but not osi ane agbon. Colossians a va:20 says, wherefore if ye be dead with christ from ane rudiments osi ane agbon, bae ze, as though living ni ane agbon, are ye subject Nare ordinances. Orni means you’re Nare dominate ane systems bhi corrupting influences ni today’s agbon. keep learning god’s orta. It’ll make e wel think bhi talk like Jesu. Eghe la e wel face challenges, persecutions, distressing situations, turbulent times, trials, bhi temptations, be unruffled; because ni christ, e wel amoh overcome ane agbon (1 john a nen:4). Gie a ni consciousness reflect even ni osi eh prayer-language. Or makes no difference ane challenges e wel face; eghe la e wel pray, declare orni ni ane helin osi Jesu, you’ve overcome ane agbon bhi its systems; its hatred, deceit, poverty, corruption, depression, falsehood, bhi antichrist spirit. Hallelujah!