
Kuemon (obilu) e wel for considering volunteering with loveworld esan! man ribhe believe ni ane ahu osi serving others as an expression osi osima Uriebhor bhi ahuemon for Osenobulua. As a christian organization, man ribhe are committed Nare making a positive impact ni osima edumu bhi beyond, bhi man ribhe invite e wel Nare join ma ni a ni mission.

Volunteer with ma by helping Nare spread content ni ane esan language

Bae ze volunteer with ma?

Serve with Purpose.

At loveworld esan, man ribhe are driven by osima christian values bhi a desire Nare make a difference ni ane lives osi those ni need. Eghe la e wel volunteer with ma, e wel or chi part osi a edumu dedicated Nare serving others with ahuemon bhi compassion.

Grow ni Uriebhor

Volunteering e eh just about giving osi eh eh ghe; or's also an opportunity for personal growth bhi spiritual development. As e wel serve alongside fellow believers, e wel'll deepen osi eh relationship with osenobulua bhi experience ane joy osi living out osi eh uriebhor ni practical hu ghede ke keh.

Make Lasting Connections.

Orkpa osi ane most rewarding aspects osi volunteering ole ane relationships e wel form with others eela share osi eh passion for serving. Whether e wel're working together vie a project or simply sharing a conversation, e wel'll find fellowship bhi iyobor within osima volunteer edumu.

Make a Difference.

Whether or's feeding ane hungry, comforting ane lonely, or providing iyobor Nare those ni need, osi eh volunteer efforts will directly impact ane lives osi others.

Personal Fulfillment.

There's a deep sense osi personal fulfillment orni comes from volunteering. Knowing orni e wel've contributed Nare something greater than yourself bhi helped others ni need sa bor muor ray immense joy bhi satisfaction.

Setting an ejie mi

By volunteering, e wel set a positive ejie mi for others, including abay uwa members, friends, bhi fellow church members. Osi eh actions inspire others Nare get involved bhi contribute e sa le a eh ghe bhi talents, creating a ripple effect osi kindness bhi service within ane edumu.

Yes, I want to Volunteer!

Thank you for serving with us as we honor God and make disciples. Please fill-up and send the form below.